The great adventures of 10 year old Ash Ketchum, a young Pokémon Trainer from Pallet Town, as well as his best friend and everlasting companion Pikachu. Together, they venture through many regions: the traditional region of Kanto, the culturally rich Johto, the temperate region of Hoenn, the mystical region of Sinnoh, the advanced landscapes of Unova, Kalos, with it’s many landmarks, and the splendor of the tropics of Alola. Along the way, they meet many new companions, many new friends and new rivals, while also competing in each regional league; as well as toppling evil organizations, and outsmarting the pesky and persistent Team Rocket. However, through all this, Ash’s goal remains unchanged: to discover many new Pokémon, and to become regarded as the world’s greatest Pokémon Master.
An anime series based on the popular Game Boy game “Pocket Monsters” in which children raise a pocket monster and train it to fight other monsters. In this show, Satoshi and his Pokemon, Pikachu, travel the land hoping to improve their skills and eventually become the grand champions. Along the way, they get into various adventures, usually involving fellow Pokemon, Nyath and his trainers, Musashi and Kojiro.